Further Security Information

You can set up Incumbents, usually those in line management positions, as “Line Manager” users, giving them access to their own HR details, employee file and HR reports. To enable the system to equate the line manager user with an incumbent in the position structure, a link is established between the newly created User and the pre-existing Employee. This link determines who the line manager can see when they log in to the system. If required, you can also give the line manager permissions to access additional areas of the system.

There are three pre-defined user types within the system which contain all the privileges and permissions required for HR management access. If these roles do not suit your purposes, it is recommended to create an additional one rather than modifying an existing role.

  • HR line manager – direct gives the user access to their own file and those incumbents who are direct reports (Those incumbents one level below them in the position structure). Line managers by default can search for, view and maintain employee files. They have full access to the (org chart, positions, incumbents and validation tables). By default, they have access to all reports, unless otherwise specified.
  • HR line manager – multi gives the user access to their own file and multiple incumbents who fall below them in the position tree. Line managers by default can search for, view and maintain employee files. They have full access to the (org chart, positions, incumbents and validation tables). By default, they have access to all reports, unless otherwise specified.
  • HR manager has full access to employee files, to create, view, maintain, archive and re-instate. In addition, they can maintain and view all elements of the (org chart, positions, incumbents and validation tables). They can also produce employee PAYG declarations. By default, they have access to all reports, unless otherwise specified.

These three users can view certain employees via the F3 search, or in reports. This is controlled by the ‘user’ being linked to an actual incumbent within the position tree, which is achieved via the "linked employee" setting of the user. For a detailed list of the default permissions for each role, in the security window select the Roles node, then double click the relevant roles. There are several steps when creating a new line manager.

By creating a “Line Manager” User Profile, which is linked to an incumbent in the position tree, the system is able to place that user/incumbent within the position structure. Therefore it can determine the other incumbents that the user/incumbent is able to see. This is applied to the:


  • Employee file (F3 search)
  • The HRpack Position Structure
  • Reports

There is also an advanced security setting which allows you to configure settings for groups of employees - see Security Groups for more information.